What is Google EAT, and how can it best help you increase blog traffic?
Why you want to increase blog traffic
A blog is one of the best ways to get new and fresh content on your website. Google loves new and fresh content. As a Search Engine Google is always trying to find the newest and most accurate information to deliver to its users.
Having a great blog is a great way for you to create that content and improve your Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The better your SEO the better chance you have of people visiting your website and doing business with you.
Google EAT
You need Google EAT on your website. Google EAT stands for Google’s expectations for a blog or website. EAT stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.
EAT is very important to Google. In fact, Google EAT is mentioned 186 times in the Google Quality Rater Guidelines.
Since Google EAT is a ranking factor, high-quality content on your website is very important. EAT is a top factor Google’s algorithm uses to determine the page quality on a website.
Having these qualities means your website contains high-quality, relevant content that readers are searching for.
Google says, “Yes. It matches the ranking factors we are looking at, so it’s going up high on the search engine results page!” The more people that see you in a Search Engine Results Page (SERP) the better chance you have to increase blog traffic.
Google also measures the page quality of YMYL pages. YMYL stands for “Your Money, Your Life.” YMYL sites usually impact your health or money. Google expects a certain level of expertise, authority, and trustworthiness from these pages. YMYL topics may include medical advice, safety precautions, or legal advice.
In this article, we’ll look at exactly what expertise, authority, and trustworthiness are. Plus, we will go over 55 tips to help you implement these elements in your blog or website. This advice will help you achieve success with your online presence.
Expertise is the specialized skill, knowledge, and ability that an expert possesses. An expert is able to use their skills, knowledge, and abilities to engage readers so that they understand the topic. A talented expert author is able to create content that readers want and love.
If people love an author, they will want to read more content by that author and this will increase blog traffic on their current blog, but also any other blog they create or guest post they do.
There are two kinds of experts – a formal expert and an everyday expert.
A formal expert usually has comprehensive experience and education in a very specific field. Examples of formal experts are accountants and lawyers. An everyday expert is normally self-taught. Examples of everyday experts are writers and photographers.
How can you demonstrate expertise on your website?
- Do proper keyword research to determine what your reader wants to read.
- Implement an effective SEO strategy for the content on your blog or website.
- Produce high-quality content that meets or exceeds the needs of your readers.
- Publish valuable content consistently and on a regular basis.
- Make sure the purpose of your content is fully developed (comprehensive).
- Be concise in the delivery of the information you are presenting.
- Create content that is easy to digest. You can do this by using rich media, visual aids, and engaging elements like quizzes, questions, and/or polls.
- Anticipate the needs of the reader by answering any follow-up questions they may have. You can do this in the content or comments sections of your blog posts.
Authority means you have the power to influence others. Having authority means you can show your expertise in your content. Plus, others use you as their reference to an expert. Authority is based on the creator of the content, the quality of the content, and the overall website.
How can you demonstrate authority in your content?
- Aim to be mentioned in a newspaper or on other authoritative websites.
- Create high-quality content written by an expert.
- Make sure your website content is widely shared, consistently updated, and genuinely spread across social media websites and the Internet.
- Build your brand up, so more websites will want to link to you.
- Create a Wikipedia page for your company and/or brand.
Trust is about being honest, reliable, and safe. Trustworthiness is made up of the credibility of the content creator and the quality of the information on the website. Your content should be honest, relevant, and accurate.
How can you demonstrate trust in your content?
- Include a photo on your website, showing you are a real person.
- Write a biography about you on your website to show you are genuine.
- Include an author’s biography, especially when the content creators are not the owners of the website.
- Cite any external source referenced in the content.
- Link to authoritative websites when possible.
- Be clear about who you are, your expertise, and what you do.
- Have an About Us page with a clear and easy way to contact the owner of the website or blog.
- Include a physical address on a Contact Us page.
- Publish content regularly to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise.
- Address any negative feedback on your website as soon as possible.
- Strive to achieve good reviews on your website.
- Include accurate facts and information in your content.
- Use credible sources when referring to information outside of your website.
- Allow readers to check your information by validating your claims with sources they can check out.
- If relevant, include case studies, research, and facts.
- Include a clear return, refund, and exchange policy available to customers.
- Include detailed, comprehensive product descriptions and specifications, including any safety advice that is applicable to the product.
- Use a development team to help ensure that your website’s domain is secure.
- Follow the HTTPS protocol.
- Be honest and ethical.
- Review your security protocols around your web server.
- Include a Privacy Policy on your website.
General Google EAT Tips You Need to Know
- Show that there’s a name and a face behind your business. This way, you won’t come across as a generic brand.
- Illustrate your credibility and qualifications by mentioning any awards or prizes.
- Make sure you include a photo and biography with each content.
- Highlight your expertise and background in the depth of the content you present.
- Stove to surpass the content on competitor’s websites.
- Create and develop a strong framework for your content.
- Work to get featured on other highly authoritative publications in your industry.
- Create high-quality content in an expert manner.
- Research information.
- Link to facts and statistics.
- Have the content of your blog post to be signed off by an expert.
- Ask your industry associates to link to your website and/or talk about you and/or your website.
- On your About Us page, include biography information about all team members.
- On your Contact Us page, add your email, phone number, and a contact form.
- On your website, explain to readers how you will protect their information (email addresses).
- Ask your audience to provide positive reviews about your business on Facebook, Yelp, and other Google review sites.
- When you receive a review, anywhere on the Internet, respond appropriately.
- Fill your blog with thoughtful, engaging, and 100% original content.
- Use hyperlinks to link to authoritative content outside of your website, and other interesting blog posts inside of your website.
- Make sure your reputation information is consistent throughout the Internet.
- Strive to achieve quality content over quantity in all of the content you publish.
- Google appreciates comprehensive information, so produce content that is at least 600 words.
- Don’t fill your content with fluff or repetitive information. Instead, make sure every word adds value to the content you are presenting.
Using these tips based on Goole EAT will help you increase traffic to your website. If you combine this with increased valuable content, you are sure to get more website views and help those people who are looking for you knowledge.
Show readers you are an expert, authority, and can be trusted regarding your topic. Ensure you have these qualities on your blog or website. Include high-quality, relevant content readers want and love to read.
If you can pull those things off, you will surely find success with your online presence. Do you need to set up a blog or website? Do you have marketing needs? Contact Angry Ape Creative and let us know how we can help!
Jay Bilunas is a graphic designer and marketing consultant. He loves helping small businesses succeed with great marketing and design. He also teaches and tries to help up and coming designers.
- Jay Bilunashttps://angryape.com/author/angryape/
- Jay Bilunashttps://angryape.com/author/angryape/
- Jay Bilunashttps://angryape.com/author/angryape/
- Jay Bilunashttps://angryape.com/author/angryape/