Be an Authority | How to Become One (Top 10 Ways)
Be an Authority | How to Become One (Top 10 Ways)

Be an Authority | How to Become One (Top 10 Ways)

What is an authoritative figure? Are you showing your authority on your website in the best way possible?

How can you show your authority for Google E-A-T? What is Google EAT? Why is it important?

Are your blog posts written by a credible content creator? How do you show authoritativeness?

One reason that you need to show your authority on your website because that’s what leads people to trust you. If readers don’t trust your content, they won’t visit your website or blog again. They also won’t follow your social media content because they do not think you know what you’re talking about.

Trust is a crucial element, so you need to build trust with your audience.

Have you ever been to a website where you felt like you would get quality information, but you only received someone’s biased opinion?

Have you ever realized that the author you are reading is not an authority on the subject you are trying to learn about? Did you think you were reading from an expert and then saw information that wasn’t true?

It can be quite frustrating when you are searching for information and don’t find what you are looking for because the website doesn’t have the right amount of authority that you need.

Having authority is also a key component of Google E-A-T (expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness). Search engines crave Google EAT as they determine a page’s quality. This is one of the key ranking factors and part of Google’s quality rater guidelines, and you should want to rank high on Google’s SERP (search engine results page)!

If you are creating a YMYL page or reading YMYL sites, you’ll want to have a great deal of authority because these sites contain information that can affect your money or your life. YMYL means “your money or your life.”

If you are looking for medical advice, for example, you’ll want to read from content creators who are medical professionals. Likewise, if you need legal advice, you probably want advice from an authoritative figure.

Financial advice also needs to come from a professional. You don’t want to read blog posts written by a child, for example. You want someone with experience.

As you create your website or blog posts, you’ll want to make sure you have a high level of authority. This also means you need to show you have authoritativeness by having high-quality, valuable content. Readers aren’t likely to stay tuned and read your information if it doesn’t truly represent the topic.

An authority figure is able to provide valuable, useful information in three ways.

First, they show their expertise on their website itself. Second, they are able to show their authoritativeness because their content is written by people who know what they are talking about. Finally, the content itself is helpful, true, and valuable.

Show these three things, and you are golden!

Top 10 Ways to Show Your Authority for Google EAT

1. Have a solid about page on your website.

It’s a smart idea to have an about page on your website that is well-crafted. You’ll want to show why you are in business and why people should work with you.

Why does your target audience need you? What’s in it for them? Why should they trust you? How are you an expert in this industry?

Include information about your talents, skills, qualifications, experience, and industry knowledge. Show how you are someone to be trusted in the industry.

You might show examples of your authoritativeness on your about page by listing places where you have been published, awards you have won on the niche you are in, and testimonials from credible sites or individuals who show that you can be trusted.

Learn how to create an awesome about page on your website so that you can demonstrate authoritativeness the right way.

2. Provide valuable content.

Readers didn’t come to your website to listen to you talk about your weekend. They wanted to know about the solutions you have for their problems.

How are you an authoritative figure on the subject, and how can you help them? This is what readers care about. You can give them this information by providing them with valuable, high-quality content.

3. Use expert writers.

You’ll want to work with credible content creators, people who know what they are talking about. Are you writing on a topic you know nothing about?

If so, the content won’t reflect what is accurate. Instead, it will just be your biased opinion. You can show a great deal of authority by just showing your knowledge on a subject.

It’s also smart to work with writers who are established, published, and high-quality. Have they made a name for themselves in the niche? Having significant experience in the field is imperative. This is how you show authoritativeness with your content.

4. Have a strong social media presence.

It’s not enough to just post on social media; you need to have a presence there. On your website, show your social media profiles and be sure you interact with your audience when you are on social media. This shows your audience that you are well-known elsewhere online. It gives them a sense of comfort.

Engage with your audience so that they can know that you are a real person who is able to help them solve their problems or inquiries. Make sure you are active on the social media platforms where your audience hangs out, too. You can’t make much of a difference if you are posting social media content on the wrong websites.

5. Be a leader in your industry.

You can show you are a leader in your industry by highlighting your credentials and by writing expert content on your website. Also, if you are able to give readers what they want by referencing credible sources, they will know they can trust your content.

6. Focus on one topic.

Become an expert in one industry or niche. If you bounce around too much, you won’t make much progress because you won’t come across as being experienced in one area. People want to see that you have written lots of blog posts or content on a subject before they will really listen to what you have to say. They will trust you if you specialize.

7. Build relationships with industry experts.

Interact with industry leaders; show that your relationships with others matter because they are experts, too. If your audience knows the other leaders or experts you work with, they are more likely to follow and like you on social media. This will lead them to your valuable content.

8. Be consistent.

It’s a good idea to be consistent with the blog posts you create. Post on the same day each week or follow a regular schedule. You want your audience to know they can trust you to deliver the same valuable content over and over again. If you have an expert write you a blog post, use that same expert to write you another one.

9.Engage with your audience.

You don’t want to just post social media posts on your social media platforms because your audience wants to hear more from you.

You need to engage with your audience. Reply to comments, messages, and likes on your posts. Be present by interacting with your readers so that they know you are more than just a name. You are a person.

10. Guest post on authoritative sites.

Another way to show your authoritativeness is to post on authoritative websites. You can do guest blog posting on these websites to show that you have been published elsewhere. This will lead your audience to trust you more. People trust authors they have read in other places, and you need your audience to trust you.


Do you have the right amount of authoritativeness on your website? Do you demonstrate Google EAT with all you do? Make sure you implement the right content marketing and SEO (search engine optimization) tactics on your website. SEO is how the search engines find your website, and content marketing is all about how you mix SEO and blogging or website copy.

Do you need assistance with these things? At Angry Ape Creative, we make small business a big deal! You can bet we will take care of you, and we can make sure you have authority on your website or online presence. We want to see you succeed!

Be sure to contact us today to find out how we can best serve you! We’ll gladly figure out the best way that we can help you.

We do more than SEO and marketing, too. We specialize in graphic design, meaning we can help you with branding, logo design, and website creation and management. Contact us to see if we can help you with web design or some other issue you have going on. We are excited to welcome you to our team and will gladly assist you in any way we can! Find out more!

Be an Authority | How to Become One (Top 10 Ways) 1
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Jay Bilunas is a graphic designer and marketing consultant. He loves helping small businesses succeed with great marketing and design. He also teaches and tries to help up and coming designers.